Préserve Perishable Preservation System™

A true dry fog (non-wetting system) that creates optimal environmental conditions to protect and preserve produce.

Patented Corrigan Corporation Water and Energy Savings Nebulizing Nozzle
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Delivers Fresh Without the Wet

nozzle closeup

Préserve emits a hydrating fog of humidity creating a cooling effect that surrounds produce.

  • True dry fog (non-wetting)
  • Quiet operation
  • Maintains proper humidity levels throughout the case
  • No FDA mandated service contract required
  • Clean, closed plumbing system exceeds health department requirements
  • Reduces all produce shrink
  • Installed with misting for added moisture barrier
  • Self-sanitization that cleans system, the service case and extends produce life
  • No compressed air needed
  • Very low maintenance
  • Rolling fog attracts customers

Produce Preservation System

Préserve is a non-wetting, 5-micron produce fogging system that protects perishables by creating an optimal wet rack environment. The system creates a high humidity environment that prohibits transpiration and extends product shelf life.

Préserve operates with low energy and water consumption and is uniquely engineered to be easy to maintain. The patented point-of-use nebulization technology has no water reservoir which has caused Legionella concerns in grocery stores.

The clean fog is created with a closed plumbing system, exceeding health department requirements. The integrated TriOBreeze™ activated oxygen system automatically sanitizes the system, case, and is proven to reduce harmful pathogens.

The Four Components of a Préserve System

HyperSoft Series Reverse Osmosis

Produces high quality water to the system and the produce throughout the case.


5-micron dry fog nozzles raise humidity levels throughout the case protecting produce.


Activated oxygen technology (ozone) is fully integrated to safely sanitize the system and service cases by greatly reducing microbiological loads. Ozone is proven to increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.


Produces a gentle 25-micron dew-like mist creating a fresh appearance and protective moisture barrier on produce.

Water and Energy Savings

Energy & Water Saving Attribute Energy & Water Saving Factors
Préserve’s dry fog water usage is optimized for precise humidity control
  • Water usage is 58% less than a standard produce misting system
  • Water usage is 86% less than marketed fog/mist combination products
  • Saves over 60,000 gallons of water per year compared to fog/mist combination products*
Préserve’s dry fog electricity consumption is lower than other systems
  • Préserve utilizes a 25W power supply per 8-foot section
  • Fog and mist combination compressor units use approximately 600 W
  • Ultrasonic Nebulizer units that blow dry fog from a tank reservoir use 500W blower/control systems
Préserve’s dry fog high humidity level control reduces produce shrink rate at store level
  • Less water usage required in agriculture
  • Less trucking energy from field to consumer
  • Less transportation of workers to handle produce
Préserve’s materials of construction are recyclable
  • Stainless steel, recyclable plastics, and recyclable metals are utilized in all assemblies

*compared to a 60’ fog/mist combination system with a 94 second on-time and 4 min off-time.